Friday, December 24, 2010

~ hepi BEZDAY, mak entol ~

uuOOOLLss mesti wondering kn spe la mak entol nie....xtually, she's my auntie, lorh! kakak kpd ayah ku...bezday beliau sme date ngan "merry chrismast".....mean, 25 disember.....for this year, beliau dah mencecah umo 55 y.o!...alang2 tu..meh la ku nk story serba sdikit about my aunt, nie!
of corse la beliau dah married....haha....beliau seorang  ibu yg terrrsgt la tabah....penyayang...pemurah.. lucu       ( especially when beliau MELATAH  )...hahaha......ku respect la ngan aunty ku nie....coz beliau always be tough eventhgh she got many problem....utk bezday beliau for this year, my big family, which r familyku, mak lang family, kak ogie family, n also anak2 beliau...abg nan wif kak ainul n abg mawi.. currently...kitorang celebrate beliau bezday at PORT DICKSON....kami2 nie pegi  men 'bakar2' daging kambing n ayam kt tepi pantai PD tu...hahaha....meriah lorh :)...dgn ilai tawa mereka2 xpecially kak ogie...(juara gelak 3 taon berturut2...wah!!!hahaha)...ditmbh lak dgn lawak antrabgse c abg nan....mmg heboh satu PD tu rsenye dek gelak tawe kami2 nie!hahaha......then, abes je aktiviti 'murni' kami sefamily, so beransur pulang la kami pde pkul 4 a.m! wah....mmg jln highway tu milik kami for that time!hahaha.....tonight is the best moment to us...especially of cos la mak entol ku nie..kami sume syg mak ku rse  that's oll yg ku nk story for this entry becoz ku rse sgt mengantuk...huhuh...need a time tu rest!! huhuhu ;(! mak entol 'epi bezday....semoga panjang umor...sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki...n tabah menghadapi segala dugaan di atas muka bumi nie'