Wednesday, February 9, 2011

~ big PLANS ~

PD?? Yup….stand for port Dickson….only take about 1 hour to get there from Melaka….+_+…wah! X sabo rase nye mau pegi itu tempat….ummmm…..ku mgkin akan menapak di PD with all my beloved beloved classmates….DPA 3f….kami2 akn bermlm nun di sana selama 1 malam…..mase yg sungguh singkat…=(!, ku arap2…even sekejap je…we all will make it as the best moment we ever had….!!!!=)=)

becoz…this is the first time we all outing together + with our beloved lecture,  miss nurul Akma…She is the best lecture I had….the coolest lecture I found….the sporting lecture I meet.. the cute lecture I love….mmg best la ngan miss….SEMPOI GILER!....=)

Benonye, da lame kami2 nie plan nk outing + overnight together2….tp, terdapat beberapa mslh teknikal….hope this time, it may happen!,,,,insyallah…best gak kalu dpt outing sesame nie,,,

2 more days…..ku rse da x sabo nie…hahaha..=)…ku kalu bab berjalan mmg juara la….bak kate mak ku..!pantang dpt peluang, asyik nk berjalan je…hahaha..nk wt cmner???da mmg ku suke berjalan???selagi kaki mmpu menampung, pe salahnye,kan?<3<3….

HERE, ku letak peta wt tatapan sspe yg dok taw dimanakah PD itu=)..

p/s: kengkawan……kita jumpa di sana!!!!!!hahahaha…….